Discover hosted a fantastic Aspiration Session for children we work with in Southwark

23 June 2023
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Children from one of our partner schools in Southwark recently enjoyed a brilliant Aspiration Session with Discover at their Hammersmith office.

The children began the day with a warm welcome from the volunteers and a tour of Discover’s lunch and break area. Our lead volunteer then introduced himself and the other volunteers to the children, and talked about Discover, and what they do.

The children were then placed into groups of three to four, to take part in a STEM ice-breaker activity, with a volunteer from Discover on each team to be there for support. The children loved the activity and learnt a lot about what the company does.

After this, the children heard from volunteers from Discover talk about their personal career journeys. It was enlightening for the children to hear about a range of job roles, skills and different career paths. From an enthusiastic Graduate Software Engineer to a passionate Senior Director, it was great to hear about how working at Discover has made such a positive impact.

The children were then given a tour around the Hammersmith office, and were amazed by the size and how quiet an office could look on a Friday. It was a great insight for the children into the working world as we see it now.

To finish up the morning, we all gathered round for lunch and discussed the highlights of our day. It was clear there were a few future tech engineers in the room, showing a keen interest in the roles of our corporate volunteers and hoping to someday work at a place like Discover.

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Hear from our volunteers at Discover about the day

It was a pleasure to meet the children and listen to their thoughts & aspirations. Some insightful questions from a group of engaged & interested youngsters.

Sean McDermid

It was so lovely getting to meet the children and telling them about our careers. We had lots of great questions and energy from the children, who were also super well behaved and engaged. Overall, it was a great experience and I hope the kids enjoyed the activity and now have more options when thinking about what they want to do when they grow up!

Grace Lin