Case Study

Organise a fundraising event
Do you enjoy baking? quizzes? sports? Have fun with friends and colleagues while raising vital funds for School-Home Support.
Up for a challenge?
Why not sign up to run your local 10k run, swim the channel (at your local pool!) or can you give up chocolate for a month?
Give in celebration
Celebrating a special occasion? Why not support School-Home Support by asking for donations instead of gifts of cards?
Ask for sponsorship
Whatever you choose to do, make sure you set up a JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving page and ask all your friends to sponsor you.
Get donations matched!
Don’t forget to check if your company run a match giving scheme. As any funds you raised could be doubled by them!
Other ways to support us
Give As You Live
Donating to School-Home Support doesn’t have to cost you a penny! With Give As You Live, every time you purchase something from a range of online retailers, they’ll make a donation to SHS at no extra cost. Sign up now to help vulnerable children and families.
Amazon Smile
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of any AmazonSmile purchases to School-Home Support without costing you a penny! All you have to do is sign in through AmazonSmile like you normally would through the standard Amazon website.
Our promise to you, our supporters
As a supporter of School-Home Support you play a direct role in getting children into school and ready to learn. Thousands of children and families depend on the services School-Home Support provide; we simply cannot reach so many of them without you.
We are committed to being transparent when working with our supporters. Our Supporter Promise to you outlines what you can expect from us when you choose to support School-Home Support.
Comments and complaints procedure
If you are unhappy with anything we’ve done, we will work with you to resolve all complaints as soon as possible.If we make a mistake, we will apologise and do everything we can to put things right. However, if we cannot resolve your complaint, we accept the authority of the Fundraising Regulator to make a final adjudication. We will monitor and record the number of complaints we receive each year and share this data with the Fundraising Regulator on request.
Read our comments and complaints policy
Donations policy
It is our policy to assess donations to the charity and undertake proportionate due diligence on individuals and organisations that give money to us.
Read our acceptance and refusal of donations policy
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