Our stories

Read the stories of the children and families we support to maximise educational opportunities and improve life chances.

Our practitioners provide personalised support to children and families with low attendance in schools.
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Ahmet’s story

Ahmet’s experience with education had already faced major disruption; having been in 3 mainstream schools already, his family took him abroad to continue his education. When the family returned home, Ahmet was still struggling to settle into the mainstream school.

Read the full post here about Ahmet’s story
Mental Health

Elizabeth’s story

Facing a recent bereavement and bullying at school, Elizabeth’s attendance was at just 5.5%. She was at risk of missing out on her education entirely. Daily support from our practitioner became the reliable constant Elizabeth needed to build her confidence back up.

Read the full post here about Elizabeth’s story
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Hayden’s story

11 year old Hayden was referred to School-Home Support Practitioner Gemma after his dad died by suicide when he was sentenced to time in prison. The family were also living in unsuitable housing, making it very difficult for Hayden to engage in school.

Read the full post here about Hayden’s story
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Mina and Neha’s story

Mina is 4 years old and was referred to School-Home Support because she was persistently absent from school, often due to illness. Her attendance was just 63%. School-Home Support practitioner Ellen had the time to get to know Mina’s family and her older sister Neha, and understand the challenges they were facing at home, so that she could offer the support they needed to get Mina and Neha back into school, ready to learn.

Read the full post here about Mina and Neha’s story
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Macey’s story

Macey is young carer. Like many young people with caring responsibilities, the pressures at home we’re having a serious impact on her school attendance.

Read the full post here about Macey’s story


Working with parents

Josh is very happy with his new bag. He’s had a great time so far in Reception, massive improvement since last year and he loves his school dinners now. He doesn’t even complain when I get him up in the morning and he’s happy to go in so there’s a massive difference.


Josh’s mum

Working with children

Claire (my practitioner) is so funny, I love it when she comes into school for our time. She always makes you feel happy even when you’re in a bad mood and always listens to you. You can talk to her even when you’ve done something wrong and she’ll help you make it right again.


Year 5 pupil

Working with parents

She (our School-Home Support practitioner) was great at listening to what I needed to say, her feedback was brilliant. She was supportive without sugar coating things.



Working with children

School can be tiring and really difficult, I like knowing Kerry (my practitioner) is there when I need her or feel like I’m struggling.


Year 8 pupil